Mr. Pratt to Mr. Blaine.
Teheran, August 7, 1889. (Received September 14.)
Sir: I have the honor to report that yesterday, the 6th instant, by special request, I laid the corner-stone of the American hospital at Teheran, in the presence of a numerous assembly, comprising distinguished members of the Imperial family, high dignitaries of state, both civil and military, and representatives of the different ministers.
The ceremony consisted in an impromptu address, in which I briefly explained, in French, the object of the institution, the idea of which had originated with Dr. W. W. Torrence, and on being approved of by his Imperial Majesty the Shah was now being carried out with the voluntary aid from America mentioned in my dispatch No. 23, diplomatic series, of the 27th January, 1887, and the generous co-operation here of those who could easily recognize the practical value of a charity of this nature.
My address was followed by a short prayer and benediction by the Bev. S. Lawrence Ward.
I have, etc.,