Mr. Ryan to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Mexico, June 10, 1889.
(Received June 18.)
No. 17.]
Sir: Nothing further having reached this legation
concerning the case of Leon McLeod Baldwin, cruelly murdered in Durango in
August, 1887, since Mr. Whitehouse, acting under instructions of the
[Page 563]
on December 17 last,
again called Mr. Mariscal’s attention to the matter, I have deemed it my
duty to renew the solicitations for a humane and equitable adjustment of the
Mr. Whitehouse in his dispatch, No. 218, of December 17, 1888, stated that
Mr. Mariscal asserted that he was not yet in possession of sufficient
evidence to form a definite opinion.
It would certainly appear that since that time, nearly six months ago, Mr.
Mariscal had had ample time and opportunities to convince himself in the
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 17.]
Mr. Ryan to Mr.
Legation of the United States,
Mexico, June 10,
Sir: Several months have expired since Mr.
Whitehouse, acting under instructions from the Department of State, drew
your excellency’s attention (December 17, 1888) anew to the case of Leon
McLeod Baldwin, who was murdered in Durango in 1887.
The details of this sad affair are so well known to your excellency that
it would be superfluous to enter into them again, but this legation
having up to the present received no communication concerning the matter
since your excellency’s note of June 4, 1888, I deem it my duty again to
draw your excellency’s attention to this most important case, and
respectfully to suggest the desirability for an early adjustment.
It will be looked upon as a singularly graceful and friendly act by my
Government should a decision in accordance with the principles of
humanity and equity be arrived at by your excellency’s Government.
I am confident that when your excellency has carefully considered the
exceptional and distressing conditions of the case you will be inclined
to agree with the views presented by my Government.
I take, etc.