Mr. Bayard to Mr. Whitehouse.
Washington, D. C, December 7, 1888.
Sir: My instruction No. 8* to General Bragg, of March 15, 1888, presented the claim against the Mexican Government of the widow of Leon McLeod Baldwin, a citizen of the United States, cruelly murdered near Durango. General Bragg’s dispatch No. 64,† of June 5 last, reports having read that instruction to Señor Mariscal and having left with him a copy.
Since that date no progress in the matter has been reported by the legation, and this Government is still without response to its earnest representations in behalf of suitable indemnification being made to the widow of the murdered man.
In view of the urgent inquiries recently addressed to the Department by friends of Mrs. Baldwin, it becomes proper to revive this application, and you will express to Señor Mariscal the earnest desire of this Government that a just and friendly determination of the matter be soon reached.
I am, etc.,