Mr. Douglass to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Port au
Prince, November 18, 1889.
(Received Nov. 27.)
No. 14.]
Sir: As indicating his confidence in the good
disposition and loyalty of the people of Hayti, and the power of his
government to maintain its authority and to guarantee peace to his country,
I have the honor to transmit a copy of the proclamation of amnesty to all
political offenders, issued on the 15th instant by His Excellency the
President of the Republic of Hayti. I also inclose a translation of the
I am, etc.,
[Page 503]
[Inclosure in No.
Proclamation of Amnesty.
Hyppolite, President of Hayti: Considering that the true strength of
governments is in the popular consent; that the Government instituted
the 9th October, 1889, by the unanimous vote of national constituent
assembly has been acclaimed in all parts of the Republic; that it can,
without danger to its stability and to the peace of the state, make for
the benefit of those whom political passions have recently led astray a
new act of clemency conformable in other respects to the spirit of
generosity which contributed so much to the success of the revolution
inaugurated the 2d of October, 1888.
On the report of the secretary of state for justice, and on the advice of
the cabinet; in view of article 103 of the constitution, and articles 6
and 7 of the law of September 26, 1860, decrees:
- Article 1. Full and complete amnesty is accorded to all
persons who are detained in the prisons of the Republic, or who
have gone into exile by reason of the political events of
September 28, 1888, up to this date.
- Article 2. In the present decree are not comprised the
individuals accused of murder, of incendiarism, or of other
non-political offenses, who will answer before competent
- Article 3. The present decree shall be published and executed
under the diligence of the secretary of state for
Given at the national palace at
Port-au-Prince, the 15
November, 1889, the 86th year of independence.
By the President:
- St. Martin Dupuy,
Secretary of the Interior. - Léger Cauwin,
Secretary of State for Justice and