Mr. Fearn to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Athens, February 20, 1889.
(Received March 16.)
No. 168.]
Sir: In a recent interview, Mr. Dragoumis having
stated to me that the Hellenic Government could not regard article 1 of our
treaty with Greece as applicable to joint stock companies and other
associations, and that the legal status of the latter, in. the cases of
Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, had been determined by special agreement
between the respective Governments, I informed him that such rights were
fixed by law in the United States, and that foreigners and foreign
corporations there not only had the right to appear in all the tribunals,
but could, if they thought proper, transfer their cases from the State to
the Federal courts. This, he said, was all that was needed, and that an
official declaration to that effect from my Government would be adequate,
such declaration being required by Greek law.
As there are several American corporations seeking a domicile here, notably
the New York Life insurance Company, which require the sanction of the
Government to engage in business, I beg the Department will send me the
necessary certificate as soon as possible.
The arrangement with Austria-Hungary was made by certificate signed by Count
Kalnoky; that with Great Britain by agreement, a copy of which I
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No. 168.]
agreement between greece and great
His Hellenic Majesty’s Government and that of Her Britannic Majesty,
being desirous to effect the reciprocal regulation in the Kingdom of
Greece and in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland of the
position of joint stock companies and other commercial, industrial, and
financial associations, the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect
by their respective Governments aforesaid, have come to the following
Joint stock companies and other associations, commercial, industrial, and
financial, constituted in conformity with the laws in force in either of
the contracting states, may exercise in the dominions of the other all
their rights, including that of appearing before tribunals for the
purpose of bringing an action or of defending themselves, with the sole
condition in exercising such rights of always conforming themselves to
the laws and customs in force in the said dominions.
It is understood that these dispositions shall be applicable as well to
the companies and associations constituted and authorized previously to
the signature of this agreement as to those which may subsequently be so
constituted and authorized.
The present agreement shall come into operation on the 15th of the
present month of August and shall remain in force until one of the
contracting parties shall announce to the other, one year in advance,
its intention to terminate it. Such modifications may, however, by
common consent be introduced into it as experience may show to be
Done in duplicate at Athens the, etc.