Mr. Adee to Mr. Lincoln.
Washington, August 31, 1889.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 31 of the 10th ultimo, in relation to the application of Mr. Rudolph E. Brünnow for a passport has been received.
The Department is of opinion that Mr. Brünnow is not entitled to a passport. It does not appear to admit of a doubt that his father during [Page 461] the minority of the applicant renounced his American citizenship by abandonment of his adopted country and permanent residence abroad. Assuming, therefore, that the applicant acquired by birth a right to claim American citizenship, it is nevertheless true that during his minority his national status was affected by the conduct of his father. Upon attaining his majority, the son might have come to the United States and claimed his right of American citizenship, but having failed to do so, he must be held to have renounced it.
I am, etc.,