Mr. Phelps to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Berlin, October 10, 1889.
(Received October 26.)
No. 16.]
Sir: The Department already has a large collection
of papers in the case of Albert Bernhard.
Mr. Reid has kindly forwarded a copy of one found in the archives of the
Paris legation, which seems to have a peculiar value. The paper in question,
dated August 19, 1887, is from the Liguedes Patriotes, in answer to certain
inquiries made by our legation in Paris concerning Bernhard’s connection
with that society. A copy is herewith inclosed. It seems to show clearly, in
spite of his many denials, that Bernhard had actually joined the Ligue “in
the quality of an Alsatian,” in March, 1883.
I have retained a copy for our files, which are already fairly weighted with
Bernhard papers.
I have, etc.,
[Inclosure in No.
Mr. Sansbœuf to Mr.
des Patriotes,
22 Hue St.
Augustin, Paris, August 19,
Sir: In the absence of Mr. Deroulède, who is
now traveling, the following is the information which I am able to give
you concerning Mr. Bernhard’s connection with the Patriotic League.
Mr. Albert Bernhard, a merchant, residing at Mulhouse, Alsatia, was
enrolled as a member of the Patriotic League in March, 1883. He paid an
entrance fee of 5 francs, as provided by article 5 of the by-laws.
Since Mr. Bernhard is an American citizen, he had no right to become a
member of the Patriotic League (see article 1 of the by-laws).
As Mr. Bernhard made no declaration of the kind at the time of his
enrollment, in 1883, he was admitted by the committee, at his request,
as an Alsatian.
I think it proper for me to add that, as Mr. Bernhard paid no dues
subsequently to the year 1883, his name was, on the 1st day of April,
1884, erased from the list of members of the League.
This was done in pursuance of article 30 of the inclosed by-laws.
Hoping that this information will be satisfactory,
I beg you, etc.,
F. Sansbœuf,
President of the Patriotic League.