Mr. Anderson to Mr.
Legation of
the United States,
Copenhagen, July 18, 1889.
(Received July 30.)
No. 315.]
Sir: Referring to my dispatch No. 313, dated July
15, I have the honor to report that I have this day mailed to Sir Edmund
Monson, at Athens, a note of which I inclose a copy and in which I
acknowledge the receipt of his letter of July 8, and thank him for accepting
the task of arbitration referred to him by the treaty anent the Carlos
Butterfield claim.
An identic note of acknowledgment and thanks has been sent to Sir Edmund by
the Royal Danish minister for foreign affairs.
I have, etc.,
[Page 158]
[Inclosure in No. 315.]
Mr. Anderson to Sir
Edmund Monson.
Legation of the United States,
Copenhagen, July 18,
Sir: It gives me great pleasure to inform you
that on the 15th instant i had the honor to receive your excellency’s
dispatch of the 8th instant, in which you accept the task of arbitrator
in the Carlos Butterfield claim between the United States and Denmark,
in accordance with the treaty signed by his excellency Baron O. D.
Rosenörn-Lehn and me on the 6th of December, 1888.
His excellency Baron O. D. Rosenörn-Lehn having on the same day (July 15)
received an affirmative reply to his formal invitation sent you on the
1st instant, this fixes July 15 as the beginning of the first period of
seventy-five days according to Article II of the treaty, and each
Government must therefore file its evidence before you before September
28 next.
In behalf of my Government I have the honor to thank your excellency for
your readiness in placing your services at its disposal in this question
of such long standing.
I avail, etc.,