No. 61.
Mr. Ferrara to Mr. Bayard.

Mr. Secretary of State:

In reply to your excellency’s note of yesterday I have the honor to advise you that, according to the information received from my Government, [Page 1937] United States vessels and their cargoes are not obliged to pay any discriminating duty in the ports of Italy, either as compared with Italian vessels, those of the Netherlands, or those of any other country.

I beg your excellency to be pleased to bring the foregoing to the notice of the Treasury Department, and to request that Department to take the necessary measures in order that Italian merchant vessels may be allowed to enjoy the advantages granted by the President’s proclamation of the 22d of April last, and by the other proclamations previously issued by the President of the United States in pursuance of Article XIV of the act of March 26, 1884.

Begging you to be pleased to acquaint me, as speedily as possible, with the decision reached by the Treasury Department in regard to this matter, I offer you, Mr. Secretary of State, my warmest thanks, and I avail, etc.

E. Eerrara.