No. 23.
Mr. Hubbard to Mr. Bayard.
Tokio, Japan, September 28, 1887. (Received October 24.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform the Department of State that I have submitted to the Japanese minister for foreign affairs the substance of your instruction No. 153, in relation to taking steps for the better protection of the fur-seal fisheries in Behring Sea by international co-operation, waiving all exceptional measures and exceptional marine jurisdiction that might be properly claimed for that end by the United States. In invoking the early and earnest consideration of the propositions of your instruction for the reasons given, and which are alike of practical commercial interest to Japan as well as to the other friendly powers designated as having been invited to enter into a similar arrangement with our Government, I have requested Count Ito to name at his pleasure some time in the future when we may discuss informally the reasons for and the terms and conditions of such arrangement for the protection of the seal-fur fisheries in Behring Sea as will safe guard that large marine interest against the lawless and indiscriminate slaughter of this animal, contributing so much to the wealth and general welfare of mankind. Due report will be made to the Department of State as the negotiations progress, which I hope and expect will be concluded favorably to all concerned.
I have, etc.,