No. 15.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. White.
Washington, April 18, 1888.
Sir: I have to acknowledge your No. 720 of the 7th instant, inclosing copy of your telegram of the same date in which you informed the Department that Lord Salisbury, the Russian ambassador, and yourself were to meet on Thursday, the 12th instant, to discuss the protection of seals, and that the Russian Government desired to include in the proposed arrangement that portion of Behring Sea in which Commander Islands are situated, and also the sea of Okhotsk.
On the 9th instant I sent you a telegram stating that this Government did not object to the extension of the arrangement for the protection of the fur-seal fisheries to the whole of Behring Sea.
Owing to an error in transmission of your telegram, Okhotsk Sea did not appear to be included in the suggestion, but there is no objection to such inclusion.
I am, etc.,