No. 13.
Mr. White to Mr. Bayard.
London, April 7, 1888. (Received April 17.)
Sir: Referring to your instructions numbered 782of February 7 and 810 of March 2, respecting the protection of seals in Behring Sea, I have the honor to acquaint you that I received a private note from the Marquis of Salisbury this morning stating that at the request of the Russian embassador he had appointed a meeting at the foreign office next Wednesday, 11th instant, “to discuss the question of a close time for the seal fishery in Behring Sea,” and expressing a hope that I would make [Page 1839] it convenient to be present, and I have replied that I shall be happy to attend.
Subsequently I saw M. de Staal, the Russian embassador, at his request. He referred to the interviews which Mr. Phelps had had with him, of which I was, of course, cognizant, and stated that his full instructions on the subject would not reach London until to-night or tomorrow, and that he was about to leave town until next Wednesday, but meanwhile he could say that his Government would like to have the regulations which might be agreed upon for Behring Sea extended to that portion of the latter in which the Commander Islands are situated, and also to the sea of Okhotsk (in which Robben Island is situated).
As both these places are outside the limit laid down in your instruction numbered 782 (170° of longitude east from Greenwich), I have thought it best to send you the telegram, of which I inclose a copy herewith.*
I am, etc.,
- For inclosure see supra No. 12.↩