No. 9.
Mr. Phelps to Mr. Bayard.
London, February 18, 1888. (Received February 28.)
Sir: I received yesterday your instruction No. 782, under date of February 7, relative to the Alaskan seal fisheries. I immediately addressed a note to Lord Salisbury, inclosing for his perusal one of the printed copies of the instruction, and requesting an appointment for an early interview on the subject.
I also sent a note to the Russian ambassador, and an interview with him is arranged for the 21st instant.
The whole matter will receive my immediate and thorough attention and I hope for a favorable result. Meanwhile I would ask your consideration of the manner in which you would propose to carry out the regulations of these fisheries that may be agreed upon by the countries interested. Would not legislation be necessary; and, if so, is there any hope of obtaining it on the part of Congress?
I have, etc.,