No. 12.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Phelps.
Washington, November 20, 1888.
Sir: Since my communication to you of the 31st ultimo, I have had the honor to receive your No. 842 of November 2, and No. 845 of the 7th instant.
By this mail I send you marked copies of certain newspapers* containing reports of Lord Sackville’s statements to the representatives of the press, and the New York Tribune of the 4th instant, containing a facsimile of Lord Sackville’s letter addressed to Charles F. Murchison.
All of Lord Sackville’s interviews on the subject referred to appear to have been held in this city, and were telegraphed hence to points throughout the United States.
[Page 1704]The number of reporters to whom his lordship made these statements I can not precisely state, because each correspondent represents usually several different newspapers, and the same or similar reports were telegraphed simultaneously to many different points.
But I have already (on the 31st ultimo) transmitted to you newspaper cuttings containing these interviews, and their reduplication would be unnecessary.
No contradiction or retraction of any of these alleged statements has yet appeared from Lord Sackville.
The widespread publication of these “interviews” by the newspaper press of the United States can most conveniently be proven by reference to the files of American newspapers in London.
I am, etc.,
- For these papers see infra, inclosures in No. 14.↩