No. 717.
Mr. Stallo
to Mr. Bayard.
Rome, August 21, 1888. (Received September 5.)
Sir: A telegraphic dispatch from Mr. Jones, our consul at Messina, which I have just received, informs me that the procurator-general of the court of appeals, in Messina, has moved the court to discharge Salvatore Paladini, and not to permit him to be extradited, on the [Page 1047] ground that he is an Italian subject. I have requested Mr. Dougherty to communicate to the Department whatever official notice of this result may be given to the legation after my departure.
In this connection I take the liberty of requesting the Department to send me the latest edition of the “Treaties and Conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers.” The copy I find in the legation library is very imperfect and consists, in part, of loose sheets.
I have, etc.,