No. 1074.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus.
of State,
Washington, March 23,
No. 88.]
Sir: Mr. Gillman, our consul at Jerusalem, in his
No. 40, of February 10 ultimo, reports to the Department the harsh
application in Palestine of the recently promulgated passport regulations of
the Turkish Empire, and his representations to the governor that American
citizens should, in comity, be granted some degree of exception from such
requirements in view of the absence of any passport regulations in respect
of Turkish subjects visiting the United States.
It appears that Mr. Gillman’s dispatch has been brought to your attention
through the consulate-general at Constantinople.
I have caused to be sent to Mr. Gillman copy of Department’s instruction to
you, No. 14, of May 10, 1887, on the general subject of the new passport
regulations, and now transmit to you a copy of Mr. Gillman’s dispatch
referred to, and the Department’s reply thereto, in order that you may be
fully advised should Mr. Gillman, in pursuance of his instructions, bring
any well-founded case of hardship or denial to your notice.
I am, etc.,
[Page 1573]
[Inclosure 1 in No. 88.]
Mr. Gillman to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
Jerusalem, February 10,
No. 40.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that the local
authorities in Jerusalem and Palestine recently have begun to enforce
the passport regulations with severity. All travelers, including
Americans, are obliged to provide themselves with a tiskarah, or local
passport; and those having passports from their Governments which have
not the visa of a Turkish minister or consul are fined, as are those who
are unprovided with passports.
This state of things has prevailed since October, 1886, in Syria (the
consulate of Beirut); but in this consulate (including Palestine) we
have had no trouble from this cause till since January, 1888.
My representations to the governor of Palestine only have resulted in his
assurances of his inability to mitigate the evil complained of. On my
assuring him that a Turk might travel from one end to the other of the
United States without receiving hinderances, or being once asked to show
a passport, he was greatly impressed, and suggested that proper
representations be made by our legation at Constantinople, so that
American travelers should be made an exception to the stringent rules
now enforced, or, at least, such Americans as are provided with the
passport of their Government.
To this end I have laid the matter before the consulate-general,
requesting that it be brought before the legation at Constantinople.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 88.]
Mr. Rives to Mr.
Department of State,
Washington, March 23,
No. 23.]
Sir: I have received your dispatch No. 40 of
the 10th ultimo, touching the severity of the Turkish passport
regulations as recently enforced within your jurisdiction, and reporting
your suggestions to the governor of Palestine as to making American
citizens an exception to the rule on the ground of reciprocity, no
passport regulations being enforced in the United States in respect of
Turkish subjects coming to or sojourning in this country.
Your reference of the matter to the legation at Constantinople through
the consul-general is approved.
The question of the Turkish passport regulations had previously been
considered by this Department, and I transmit for your information copy
of an instruction sent to Minister Straus on the 14th of May, 1887 (No.
14), which covers most of the subject of your complaint.
The regulations, while not in themselves objectionable in principle, may
be enforced in particular cases to work hardship, especially if recourse
to the local consular representatives for protection and for proof of
American citizenship should be denied, owing to the failure of any
citizen to provide himself with the prescribed “teskereh.” Should the
issuance of such a document be refused on due application, supported by
proper proof, you will report the case to the legation through the
consulate-general, accompanied by the papers necessary to an
understanding of the case, beside reporting it in the usual manner to
this Department.
I am, etc.,
G. L. Rives,
Assistant Secretary.