No. 1053.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus.
of State,
Washington, October 31,
No. 51.]
Sir: I inclose for your information, and with a
view to a report upon the subject, a copy of a dispatch from the consul at
Jerusalem, No. 26, of the 28th ultimo, covering a copy of a communication
from the governor of Palestine relative to the expulsion of Jews
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 1 in No. 51.]
Mr. Gillman to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
Jerusalem, September 28,
No. 26.]
Sir: I have the honor herewith to inclose copy,
with translation, of a communication which I have received from his
excellency Raouf Pasha, governor of Jerusalem and Palestine, relative to
the expulsion from Palestine of Jews who are foreigners, in our case, of
course, having reference to citizens of the United States who are
This has been followed by a notice through the police department of
Jerusalem, given verbally, but of the same tenor.
It appears this decree (Iradeh) does not apply to all American citizens
in Palestine who are Jews, but only to those who have recently come
Asking for your instructions in regard to this decree, that I may govern
myself accordingly,
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Raouf Pasha to Mr.
Mutessariflik of
Sir: It has been represented to me in a
memorial from the police department that the consulates do not lend the
necessary assistance to cause the foreign Jews (literally people of
Moses) to return to their countries after the expiration of the
temporary period assigned to them to perform their pilgrimage, viz: one
month, in conformity to the decision of the Government based on a
special iradeh prohibiting foreign Jews from coming to reside and settle
in Palestine; that, as thereby this decree is infringed, the police ask
that the necessary steps be taken at the different consulates to the end
that on the expiration of the above-mentioned term the necessary
facilities should be afforded by them, both here and on the embarkation
at Jaffa, for the return of the
[Page 1547]
said Jews to their homes, and that the needful
instructions on the subject be given to the various vice-consulates at
I have addressed communications to this effect to all consulates, as now
to yourself, to which I request a reply.
I avail myself of the opportunity, etc.,
Mohammed Raouf,
Governor of Jerusalem.
The 22’ Zi
August 29 (September 10),