No. 1022.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Winchester.
Washington, October 24, 1887.
Sir: Your dispatch No. 159, of the 4th instant, relative to the application of Mr. Solomon M. Pollock for a passport, has been received.
It appears from your dispatch that Mr. Pollock emigrated to the United States in February, 1875, was naturalized November 13, 1882, and left this country two days afterwards for Switzerland, where he has ever since resided as agent for the firm of Leon, Levy & Brothers, of New York and San Francisco.
It appears furthermore from your dispatch that Mr. Pollock states that he is unable to say when he will return to the United States; that he has been in Switzerland four years as the agent of the above-named firm and does not know when they will recall him; that they may do so within the next six months, or they may not do so for years.
If you are fully satisfied that Mr. Pollock is actually detained abroad by his employment as the agent of an American firm transacting business in the United States, and if he declares it to be his intention upon the termination of such employment and agency to return to the United States there to reside and take upon himself the duties of such citizenship, then you can issue to him a passport in accordance with the principles laid down in this Department’s instructions to you, No. 102* of the 13th instant.
I am, etc.,