No. 964.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. Thompson.
of State,
Washington, March 19, 1888.
No. 20.]Washington, March 19, 1888.
Sir: On the 13th instant I received from you a telegram in regard to the claim of Mr. O. E. Frary vs. San Domingo.
Immediately upon receipt of this telegram Mr. Green B. Raum, the attorney for Mr. Frary, was communicated with and his views requested [Page 1419] as to the settlement which you were able to obtain. I have to-day received a letter from Mr. Raum, and I have telegraphed to you at St Thomas as follows:
Minister. U. S. Ship Atlanta, St. Thomas:
You are authorized to accept $10,000, payable in foreign debt, every sixty days in settlement of Frary claim.
I am, etc.,
T. F. Bayard.