In this connection I beg to state that the “Mar Shimoon” mentioned in Mr.
Coan’s letter is the Nestorian patriarch, and that the Maleks are elders of
the tribes.
Rev. Mr. Coan to
Rev. Dr. Shedd.
Kochannes, Thursday, August 23,
My Dear Dr. Shedd: Tuesday, August 21, a.m., we
came on here to Kochannes. We had heard rumors of trouble down in Tiary,
but here got full particulars, and they are sad and terrible. Their
import is such that I send Benjamin down immediately as a special
messenger to you with the following particulars:
A band of Koords came up by stealth on to the Asheetha zozanee pasture
lands. Here were only women with the flocks. They took off 12,000 sheep,
outraged and killed all the women, cutting one woman to pieces, and
killing, besides, a small child. This is more than man can stand, and so
the Tiary people went to see what could be done and found that the
Koords, certain of revenge for such an attack, were combining in
numerous numbers to completely destroy Tiary. Tkhoma has been warned and
Tkhoma with the Apies-Arai Koords are now united with the Tiary people
for the defense of their homes. It looks like a gigantic thing, as
thousands and thousands
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Koords are gathering for war; it is hut a fulfilling of the plan laid
out in the spring.
I read two of the letters sent from Tiary and in both the post people are
making an urgent appeal for help, and state that the beginning was by
the Koords, and that they are anxious to prevent bloodshed, but will
fight when it is necessary.
The Pasha is encamped above here, and to-day the Vali comes. Troops are
being collected. All communication with Mosul is cut off by the Koords,
so that there is no reliance in them. If Mimrod goes down to Tiary to
scatter the people they will only fall an easy prey to the Koords. If
there is a fight while he is there, the Government will say he
precipitated it, so he is at a loss. Mar Shimoon and Mimrod say that God
brought us here just at this crisis when we are greatly needed for
advice and for witnesses to the truth. The Government lays the blame
upon the Nestorians. We, who happen to know the truth, know how matters
be. I can see help in only one way. To appeal to the Government is in
vain; to telegraph here by Turkish lines is useless, so I send Benjamin
to you as rapidly as possible, begging you, in the name of Mar Shimoon
and Mimrod and this Christian people, to telegraph immediately to the
consul at Tabreez, asking him to telegraph to Constantinople immediately
that other powers interfere in behalf of the Nestorians. Benjamin will
arrive Saturday. Write Dr. Holmes and the English consul the particulars
and have them do something at once before it is too late.
Mimrod says if an answer or some word can come to the Turkish Government
here and at Amadia within six to ten days, ordering them to disperse the
Koords, it may save the whole of Kiary, Tkhoma, and the rest. He says he
can hold the Nestorians in check if we only can hold back the Government
and the Government the Koords. The English consul had better telegraph
through Russia, not Turkey. All that is needed is orders from
Constantinople to the Government here to interfere and let them know
that Christians can not be massacred in the nineteenth century without
arousing a Christian world.
I am, fraternally,
Later.—The Maleks Mutron and Shorn
Yohannare of Dizare all summoned to Julamuk. Something is brewing,
and the opinion is almost universally prevalent that foul play is to
be made on Tiary. Authorities at Constantinople must be kept
informed fully so as to be able to interfere if a general massacre
of the Nestorians is contemplated.
Later.—The party from Gawar have come and
the danger is passed for the present. The Vali heard from the
telegrams on Sunday and Monday and he took a decided stand, summoned
the chiefs of the Koords, at the same time he did those of the
Christians or he would be after them. The head of the Kurdish army
is Sheikh of Madumu in Susma. He is in that region much as Sheikh
Abdullah was in this region. Great gratitude is due to Mr. Abbott
and to Mr. Coan.