No. 891.
Mr. Roosevelt to Mr. Bayard.
Legation of
the United States,
Hague, September 28, 1888. (Received
October 8.)
No. 23.]
Sir: I inclose copy of a letter from Mr. James
Hector advising me of the refusal of the Government of the Netherlands to
permit the importation of American bacon, although duly certified to come
from a place free from disease to which hogs are subject. Copy of the
certificate and translation are also inclosed. I addressed a communication
to the minister of foreign affairs, of which copy is also inclosed, and
await reply and any instructions from you.
I am, etc.,
[Page 1332]
[Inclosure 1 in No.
Mr. Hector to Mr.
Antwerp, September 27,
Sir: I take the liberty to inform your
excellency that, through a misunderstanding or misreading of law, my
shipments of American bacon, directly imported here from the United
States, have been refused entrance in Holland (Maastricht).
It will be useless to say that the Dutch Government can not prohibit
American bacon, unless by special law. I am a regular shipper to Holland
and am now at a loss what to do, all railroad companies refusing
carriage. Would your excellency kindly see the competent authorities on
this subject and request them to give more lucid instructions to their
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No.
Certificate of the mayor of Antwerp.
Municipality of Antwerp, Second Bureel:
The undersigned, mayor of the city of Antwerp, declares that the box
containing dry-salted American bacon, marked F. H. 369 y, sent by rail to Valkenburg, accompanied by this
certificate, comes from a place where there was no epidemic whereof hogs
generally suffer.
For the mayor: The sheriff,
J. Landout.
Antwerp, September 20,
[Inclosure 3 in No. 23.]
Mr. Roosevelt to
Mr. Karnebeek.
American Legation,
Hague, September 28,
Sir: From the inclosed letter from Mr. James
Hector it appears that bacon shipped to him from America was refused
admission to Holland.
By the certificate of the burgomaster of Antwerp (copy also inclosed) it
seems the bacon came from a place where there was no hog sickness.
May I ask your good offices in the matter and any explanation or
direction that will assist in avoiding similar misunderstandings in the
Renewing, etc.,