No. 856.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Romero.
Washington, February 21, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your two notes of the 10th and 14th instant, in which you are pleased to review the history and results of the “Zona Libre” in Mexico, with a view to dispelling certain misconceptions which you regard as prevalent in this [Page 1284] country with regard to the free zone in question, and which misconceptions, you add, “may affect the good relations between Mexico and the United States.”
As the representations you thus make are entirely voluntary, not growing out of any pending question or responding to any position diplomatically assumed by this Government in its relations toward Mexico, but being prompted solely by a spirit of good will and frankness, I do not feel called upon to regard them as an invitation to discuss the points you present or controvert any opinions you have expressed thereon.
An opportunity is afforded for a partial realization of the ends you inform me you have in view in addressing me these communications. As you will see by the annexed extract from the Congressional Record of the 17th instant, a resolution was adopted by the Senate of the United States on the 16th requesting the President to communicate to that body copies of all unpublished correspondence with the Government of Mexico or its representative here touching the Zona Libre.
Before submitting your notes to the President for decision as to the propriety of their transmission to the Senate in response to the resolution and in view of their voluntary character, I beg to be informed whether you have any objection to such disposition being made of them.
Accept, etc.,