No. 854.
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, February 11, 1888. (Received February 14.)
Mr. Secretary: I have had the honor to receive your note of yesterday, in which, referring to your previous note of the 3d ultimo, you inclose a communication from the governor of the State of Texas, accompanied by a report of Mr. J. M. Dean, district attorney of the thirty-fourth judicial district of Texas, concerning the complaint made by the Government of Mexico on account of the effects which are considered prejudicial to the inhabitants of Paso del Norte of the drain pipe that is in course of construction at El Paso, Texas, for the purpose of draining that city. Mr. Dean concludes his report by saying that he does not see how the health, welfare, or convenience of the inhabitants of Paso del Norte can be affected, either directly or indirectly, by the pipe in question.
In reply I have the honor to inform you that I shall at once transmit your aforesaid note and its inclosures to the Mexican Government for its information, and that it may adopt such decision in the case as it may think proper.
It may not be amiss for me to state, referring to the concluding portion of Mr. Dean’s report, wherein he states that prominent persons at Paso del Norte share his opinion, and quotes Mr. Samaniego that although it is true that a newspaper published at El Paso, Texas, published a report of an interview with that gentleman, in which statements appeared similar to those made by Mr. Dean, those statements were subsequently rectified by Mr. Samaniego in the columns of El Centinela, of Paso del Norte, in its number of January 9, 1888.
Be pleased to accept, etc.,