No. 850.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Romero.
Washington, January 23, 1888.
Sir: I have the honor to invite attention to my note of the 11th instant, concerning your request for the refund of the sum of $849 levied by the collector of customs at San Diego upon the steamer Monserrat.
It appears by a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, dated the 14th instant, that the collection was made under the authority of the sections of the Revised Statutes which you recite, but without regard to the fact that marine documents were not produced at the time of the entry of the vessel, as is customary in such cases. It appears further that duties at the rate levied in the present instance are imposed by law upon the tonnage of all vessels not of the United States which may enter the ports of this country from any foreign port or place, provided no rights acquired by any foreign nation, under the laws and treaties of the United States, relative to the dues on tonnage of vessels, shall be impaired.
Under the circumstances therefore the Secretary of the Treasury expresses regret that he perceives no just grounds for exempting the Monserrat from the payment of the duties in question or for refunding the same.
Accept, etc.