No. 847.
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, January 9, 1888. (Received January 10.)
Mr. Secretary: I have had the honor to receive your note of the 6th instant, and the accompanying copy of extracts from the report addressed on the 13th of December last to the governor of the Territory of Arizona by Mr. C. M. Bruce, president of the Cattle Sanitary Commission of the Territory, with reference to the quarantine of ninety days decreed against Mexican cattle.
In your said note, as well as in the report of Mr. Bruce, it is indicated that the quarantine was not decreed against Mexican cattle only, and that it was decided on principally because it was believed that there were no regulations in Mexico to prevent the importation of cattle infected [Page 1262] with contagious diseases, and because pleuro-pneumonia being prevalent in Europe and in different countries of America, and it being possible to import, without any restriction whatever, foreign cattle into Mexico, and from Mexico into Arizona, it was thought that there was on this account great danger to the cattle of that Territory.
I now communicate to the Mexican Government copy of your note, for its information, and in order that, by reason of it, it can determine what it may deem proper in this matter; and I do not doubt that if the observations of the cattle sanitary commission of Arizona have any foundation, my Government will adopt measures adequate to protect the interests of Mexican cattle, and to prevent its infection with contagious diseases through the importation of foreign cattle.
But I think proper to inform you here that Mexico being a country very productive in cattle, and this article having there a low valuation, Mexico far from being an importer is an exporter of cattle.
The only foreign cattle imported into Mexico are very choice breeds of high price, to improve the native cattle, and their purchase and importation are made under conditions that guaranty against all danger of contagion. Besides, Mexican cattle have not hitherto been infected with any contagious disease.
Accept, etc.,