No. 843.
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bayard.


Mr. Secretary: Referring to the note which I addressed to you on the 9th instant, relative to the case of James Burnett, a citizen of the United States, arrested in Chihuahua, I have the honor to inform you that I telegraphed to Mr. Mariscal, secretary of foreign relations of the United States of Mexico, on the 17th ultimo, a report of the interview which I had had with you on that day, and that I have this day received Mr. Mariscal’s reply, dated City of Mexico, November 30, 1887, a copy of which I inclose. In it is inserted a telegram from the governor of the State of Chihuahua, dated November 19, and having reference to this matter. The said telegram confirms the statements contained in the governor’s letter, a copy of which I inclosed in my aforesaid note of the 9th instant.

Be pleased to accept, etc.,

M. Romero.
[Page 1258]

Mr. Mariscal to Mr. Romero.

No. 1002.]

In reply to your note No. 1058, of the 17th instant, relative to the interview had by you on that day with Mr. Bayard in relation to the case of James Burnett, I hereby inform you that, on the receipt of your telegram on this subject, the governor of Chihuahua was requested to report concerning the same, and he has sent, under date of yesterday, the following telegram:

“James Burnett was declared properly arrested by the common courts on the 17th of January, 1886. On the 30th of that month he was released on bail, and on the 17th of August last he was re-arrested, owing to the fact that the party who had furnished bail for him withdrew the same. On the 12th of September the case was taken before the federal courts, inasmuch as the case was one of homicide, committed on the railway by the train; and on the 15th of October proceedings in the case were suspended and he was again released on bail until the circuit court should have reviewed the decision.”

In view of the contents of the telegram above inserted, it is to be hoped that the circuit court will confirm the decision of the district judge, and that this case will thus be finally terminated by the unconditional release of the aforesaid Burnett.

I renew, etc.,
