No. 834.
Mr. Romero to Mr. Bayard.
Washington, November 2, 1887. (Received November 2.)
My Dear Mr. Bayard: I herewith inclose to you a copy of the Diario de Hogar (Home Journal), which paper is published in the City of Mexico. The copy inclosed bears date of October 1, 1887, and contains a letter dated Ventanas, San Dimas County, State of Durango, Mexico, September 3, 1887, which gives an account of the situation and the insecurity which prevailed in that country at that time, owing to the fact that it was infested by a band of robbers, led by Eraclio Bernal.
The letter in question states facts and incidents showing the insecurity which, notwithstanding the efforts of the Federal Government of Mexico and those of the government of the State of Durango, existed in that region at the very time when Mr. Leon Baldwin was murdered there. The defense made by the inhabitants of Durazno against that portion of the band that attacked them is likewise therein mentioned, as it is in the report of the governor of the State of Durango, the contents of which I communicated to you in my note of the 29th ultimo.
I am, etc.,