I have no doubt as to the truth of the statement, nor that the other vessel
will be restored to the owner as soon as the facts shall be brought to the
notice of the Nicaraguan commissioner, now in the reservation and found to
be as represented to the consul.
[Inclosure 1 in No. 756.]
Mr. Brown to Mr.
Consulate of the United States,
San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, December 3, 1887.
Sir: Referring to the case of the American
vessel Wm. S. Moore, mentioned in mine of
November 23, as unlawfully boarded by the authorities of Nicaragua at
the mouth of the river Rama in the reserve, I have to transmit a copy of
an affidavit by Capt. Henry Nelson, master of that vessel, reciting the
facts of such seizure. I hear that in the case of the Merida that the authorities at the Rama have sent to Captain
Allen an apology and requested him to come and take possession of the
Merida. Of this report I have nothing
authentic, but think that such action will be quite, probable, as soon
as Commissioner Urtecho becomes informed of the circumstances, and to
whom I had directed Mr. Augustine to address on that subject.
General Urtecho went on duty on the 18th ultimo at Bluefields.
I am, etc.,
[Inclosure 2 in No. 756.]
Affidavit of Henry Nelson, master of the steam-tug
W. S. Moore.
Bluefields, M. R.,
This day before me, the undersigned authority, personally came and
appeared Capt. Henry Nelson, who having been by me first duly sworn on
his oath declares;
[Page 107]
heretofore, to wit, on or about the 20th day of November, A. D. 1887, he
was in command of the American steam-tug Wm. S.
Moore, an American bottom, registered in the city of
Alexandria, Va., United States of America, and owned by Messrs. Henry
Brothers, of the city of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland, United
States of America.
Affiant states that he is an American citizen, and was commanding the
said vessel on the date aforesaid as master thereof, sailing said vessel
from Bluefields to the head of navigation on Bluefields or Escondido
River, transporting freight and passengers from said Bluefields to the
mouth of the Rama River and intermediate points on the said Bluefields
or Escondido River. Affiant states that said vessel has been engaged as
aforesaid in the said trade under permission from the Mosquito
Government for and during the term of a year and upwards, and sailing
the American flag during the said time.
Affiant states that on or about the said 20th day of November, A. D.
1887, he was in command of said vessel as aforesaid, and had just
terminated his usual voyage from Bluefields to the aforesaid Rama mouth,
having arrived at her mooring on Saturday night of the 19rh instant, and
was laying alongside of the schooner Merida. That
on the afo esaid morning of the 20th of November, aforesaid, about the
hour of 8.30 a.m., while peaceably lying at anchor as aforesaid, not
having discharged the freight and passengers, and with the American
colors flying at the mast head, and without any previous notice, an
armed body of soldiers, or persons who were dressed in Nicaraguan
uniform, came on board the said vessel and forcibly took possession of
the same, claiming to act under Nicaraguan authority, and demanded the
ship’s papers, which I refused to surrender, notifying them that I was
licensed to engage in said trade by the local Government of
Affiant further states that after refusing to surrender the ship’s papers
as aforesaid the said arms d body of men, acting under the immediate
command of an officer of Nicaragua, proceeded to forcibly enter the
cabin and hold of said vessel and search the same, and did not release
said vessel until after the lapse of an hour or more.
Affiant further states that the said vessel has been peaceably engaged as
aforesaid in said trade during the past year, as also other vessels
plying between Bluefields and the said Rama mouth, and that he verily
believes that the said action of the said Nicaraguan authorities has
materially damaged the business of said vessel, and that the said action
was wholly unauthorized, and that the same was an unjust and unwarranted
discrimination against Americans and American enterprises, and an insult
to the flag of his country.
In witness whereof affiant hereunto signs
his name this November
22, A. D. 1887.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this November 22, A. D. 1887.
J. A. Hodgson,
United States Consular
Bluefields, M., R.
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that J. A. Hodgson, whose
signature appears attached to the foregoing jurat, is an acting
magistrate in and for the city of Bluefields, duly appointed and
qualified, and that his signature is his true and genuine signature
and as such entitled in full faith and credit; that the said Henry
Nelson is an American citizen, and that the steam-tug Wm. S. Moore is as alleged an American
Witness my hand and official seal at
Bluefields, M. R., Nicaragua, this,
November 22, A.
D, 1887.
l. s.]
John I.
U. S.
Consular Agent.