No. 591.
Mr. Bayard to Sir L. S. Sackville West.

Sir: I have been unavoidably delayed in the presentation to you of an application made to this Department by a large number of citizens of New York importantly engaged in trade with Canada in relation to a feature of Canadian laws which is alleged to contain an especial discrimination against importations of merchandise, “the product of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope,” coming into Canada by the way of the United States.

I transmit a copy of the body of the memorial, in order that the signers may explain their own object.

As it is my purpose to ameliorate the trade relations of the neighboring countries, I will ask you to bring the subject to the attention of the Canadian authorities.

I am, etc.,

T. F. Bayard.

Messrs. Howell, Son & Co., and others, to Mr. Bayard.

Dear Sir: We beg to call your attention to the fact that about the year 1875 the Canadian government passed a law creating a discriminating duty of 10 per cent. ad valorem to be imposed on all merchandise “the product of countries east of the Cape of Good Hope” imported from points west of the Cape of Good Hope, except Great Britain, and virtually made a promise that as this measure was of a retaliatory nature, they would remove this discriminating duty whenever the United States Government should take off a similar duty which was at that time in force.

By act of Congress passed May 4, 1882 (Department circular dated May 16, 1882), the United States repealed their discriminating duty, to take effect January 1, 1883; but the Canadian government has not yet removed their 10 per cent. retaliatory or discriminating duty.

We ask that you bring this matter before the Canadian government, and try to have their discriminating duty against the United States removed.

In case of removal of this duty, there would be sure to be a large trade brought about between the two countries, and doubtless to their mutual benefit, but certainly to the benefit of the United States.

We would especially call your attention to the fact that the Canadian 10 per cent. retaliatory duty is against the United States only.

We are, dear sir, yours truly,

B. H. Howell, Son & Co.; and fifty-three others.