No. 580.
Mr. Edwardes to Mr. Bayard.

Sir: Her Majesty’s Government have received information from the governor of Newfoundland that certain United States fishing vessels, in contravention of the Newfoundland bait act of 1887, have, without [Page 809] having taken out a license under the modus vivendi, purchased bait in Newfoundland waters, and have sold the same to the French fishermen at St. Pierre.

Her Majesty’s Government have been informed at the same time that the United States consul at St. Pierre is reported to have instigated this breach of the colonial act.

I have now the honor, in obedience to the instructions which I have received by telegraph from the Marquis of Salisbury, to bring these facts to the knowledge of the United States Government and to ask that the United States consul may be instructed to abstain from all action of the nature referred to.

I have, etc.,

H. G. Edwardes.