No. 48.
Mr. de Bounder de Melsbroeck to Mr. Bayard.


Mr. Secretary of State: I hastened immediately to announce to my Government that, at the suggestion of your excellency, Congress had decided to raise to the rank of envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary the representative of the United States in Belgium, and that the nomination of Mr. Lambert Tree, for this latter title, had been submitted for the approval of the Senate.

The Government of the King instructs me to express to your excellency the satisfaction it has experienced at the advancement in rank of the mission of the United States to Belgium, and the Prince de Chimay adds: “Mr. Lambert Tree during his residence here has won universal good will; thus his promotion will be particularly well received.”

I congratulate myself upon being the interpreter of these sentiments, and I have, etc.,

Th. de Bounder de Melsbroeck.