No. 421.
Mr. Bayard to Mr. Pendleton.*


Mr. Bayard informs Mr. Pendleton that from the reports of Mr. Sewall, United States consul-general at Apia, it appears that the state of affairs in Samoa is very distressing and that it can only be made worse by a continuance of the war. Mr. Sewall has been instructed to preserve a strict neutrality, but this Government is anxious in pursuance of its treaty with Samoa, to secure a peaceful adjustment of the difficulties and a considerate treatment of Samoans.

Mr. Pendleton is requested to suggest to the German Government the advisability of the immediate election of a king and vice-king, as agreed to in conference, and the issuance of identical instructions to the representatives of the treaty powers at Apia to favor such an election, leaving other matters discussed in conference for subsequent consideration.

  1. The same, mutatis mutandis, was sent to Mr. Phelps.