No. 406.
Mr. McLane
to Mr. Bayard.
Paris, August 16, 1888. (Received August 27.)
Sir: In accordance with your instruction of June 14 I brought again the case of Alfred Jacob to the attention of the French foreign office. Jacob, as you will remember, is a native American of French origin, now residing at Philadelphia, who, after having been compelled to perform military service in France, some years ago, was placed on the military rolls of the reserve, where his name now stands. In view of the peculiar circumstances of the case, I was instructed to obtain, if possible, that he be finally discharged and recognized as an American citizen.
Under date of the 4th instant, Mr. Goblet replied that the French military authorities have been and are still willing to fully discharge Jacob as soon as he will have obtained permission from the French Government to assume American citizenship. A copy of my note to Mr. Goblet, and of his reply, with a translation of the same, are herewith inclosed.
I have abstained from making remarks upon this refusal, but in order to ascertain what the exact position of the French Government is with reference to the special authorization mentioned in Mr. Goblet’s dispatch and occasionally in other dispatches from his department, I have addressed him a note to inquire if the French Government held that a Frenchman could not lawfully become an American citizen without being previously authorized to do so, and, if such is the case, how he is to proceed to secure such an authorization.
I have made this inquiry because the French Government sets up this pretension in general terms applicable to naturalized citizens of French origin, as well as to those who were born in the United States of French parents and remained there, as did Jacob and Gendrot, both of whom have been the subject of correspondence with the French Government and whose final discharge from military service was requested.
I have taken this occasion to invite Mr. Goblet’s attention to the appeal already made to him to agree upon some reasonable adjustment of these constantly recurring controversies as to the right of the French Government to impress American citizens of French origin into the French military service. I shall send a copy of this note, with the reply thereto, as soon as it is received.
I have, etc.,