No. 404.
Mr. Bayard
to Mr. McLane.
Washington, August 10, 1888.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your No. 645 of the 23d ultimo, in which you inform the Department of your issuance of a passport to Mr. Max Hellman, a naturalized citizen of the United States, without the exhibition by him of his certificate of naturalization, as required by the rules of this Department. Ton state that he is well known to you personally, that he has been a naturalized citizen of the United States for thirty years, and that while he failed to produce a certificate of “naturalization, he exhibited passports heretofore issued to him by this Department, and also by the American legation at Paris.
Upon these facts, and especially in view of your personal knowledge of the applicant, your action is approved. The personal knowledge of a minister of the United States necessarily obviates the necessity of more formal proof.
I am, etc.,