No. 40.
Mr. Bayard to Count d’Arsehot.
Washington, July 29, 1887.
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of the 12th instant, in which you notify this Department that an international exhibition will be held at Brussels next year. As the undertaking is one of interest to the American people, publicity has been given to it through the public press.
It is observed by section 8 of article 1 of the general regulations that foreign commissioners are contemplated to take part in the installation of the exhibition. A commission on behalf of this country could only be appointed in virtue of provision made therefor by Congress, which, however, cannot have the matter brought before it except upon a formal invitation by the Government of Belgium to the Government of the United States to participate in the same manner as in other great international exhibitions held abroad during the past thirty years.
I have the honor to inquire, therefore, whether it is the purpose of the Belgian Government to extend such an invitation. If so, the President will take pleasure in bringing it to the attention of Congress at its next session, with a recommendation for its acceptance.
Accept, etc.,