No. 307.
Mr. Dinsmore to Mr. Bayard.
Seoul Corea, July 18, 1888. (Received August 29.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that there is now telegraphic communication between Seoul and Fusan, in Corea, by a wire just erected under the direction and control of the Corean Government. There are three intermediate stations between Seoul and Fusan, the length of the route being about 400 miles. The rate fixed for transmission of messages between the termini of the line is 22 sen per English word.
The completion of this line gives us direct communication by connection with the cable from Fusan, and renders us somewhat independent of the Chinese company. The new line is wholly under the control of and operated by the Coreans.
The operators have been qualified for the service by a long and thorough course of training in Seoul under a Corean official who received his instruction in Japan. The construction of the line was under the supervision of Mr. C. E. Halifax, an Englishman of some experience in telegraphy.
I have the honor, to be, etc.,