No. 272.
Mr. Maury to Mr. Bayard.

No. 73.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a communication, received yesterday, from Señor Carlos Holguin, minister of foreign affairs, relating to the claim of the Panama Railway Company to exclusive telegraphic rights across the Isthmus, with a translation of the same.

I have, etc.,

Dabney H. Maury.
[Inclosure in No. 73.—Translation.]

Mr. Holguin to Mr. Maury.

Mr. Minister: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your courteous note of the 19th instant, and of the 14th and 28th of April, and of the 12th of May last, all relating to the same subject, namely, the monopoly which is said to he claimed by the Panama Railway Company over the telegraphic line across the Isthmus.

The Government, availing itself of the right which it possesses, of constructing that class of public works within its own territory, has resolved to establish in (the department of) Panama a telegraph of a national character, of which your Government [Page 408] can have the use, with the utmost assurance that its communications will meet with no obstructions.

I believe, Mr. Minister, that this measure of the Government fully meets the wishes expressed in your note to which I have the honor to refer, and I suppose it is thus made clear to you that the Government does not recognize the monopoly referred to.

I repeat, etc.,

Carlos Holguin.