No. 172.
Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard.

No. 567.]

Sir: As matter of convenient reference, I inclose herewith a table of statistics of Protestant missions in China, December, 1887.

The number of foreign missionaries is now 1,040, which is 121 more than in December, 1886, 43 of these being men and 74 unmarried women. This increase is chiefly due to the China inland mission.

[Page 257]

Native ordained ministers number 175, an increase of 35; unordained native helpers number 1,316, an increase of 30; communicants number 32,260, an increase of 4,260, or about 14 per cent.

The total of contributions is $38,236.

I have, etc.,

Charles Denby.
[Inclosure in No. 567.]

Statistics of Protestant missions in China, December, 1887.

Name of society. Date of mission. Foreign missionaries. Native ordained ministers. Unordained native hepers. Communicants. Pupils in schools. Contributions by native churches.
Men. Wives. single women. Total.
London Missionary Society 1807 28 21 11 70 8 69 3,595 2,186 $17,200.00
A.B.C.F.M 1830 29 25 12 66 21 86 1,545 559 180.00
American Baotist, North 1834 5 5 2 12 4 16 371 145 279.26
American Protestant Episcopal. 1835 10 6 1 17 22 21 362 900 410.76
American Presbyterian, North. 1838 45 34 19 98 19 176 3,786 1,932 2,488.88
American Reformed (Dutch) 1842 5 5 3 13 5 19 820 124 2,076.29
British and Foreign Bible Society 1843 13 7 1 20 114
Church Missionary Society 1844 26 19 8 53 12 177 2,507 2,152 3,106.80
English Baptists 1845 19 15 34 1 8 1,062 160 450.00
Methodist Episcopal, North 1847 30 27 14 71 43 87 3,349 1,084 3,473.57
Seventh-day Baptist 1847 1 1 1 3 7 24 36
American Baptist, South 1847 13 10 9 32 7 24 1,641 232 1,175.61
Basel Mission 1847 20 15 35 3 66 1,808 598 654.00
English Presbyterian 1847 21 15 7 43 5 84 3,553 370 3,920.00
Rhenish Mission 1847 3 3 6 6 60 200
Methodiest Episcopal, South 1848 8 7 14 29 3 7 222 725 210.34
Berlin Foundling Hospital 1850 1 1 4 6 80
Wesleyan Missionary Society 1852 19 8 5 32 5 31 935 520 600.00
Women’s Union Mission 1859 5 5 6 17 105 8.00
Methodist, New Connection 1860 7 4 11 34 1,218 162 100.25
Society Promotion Female Education 1864 5 5 273
United Presbyterian, Scotch 1865 6 5 1 12 13 634 50 250.00
China Inland Mission 1865 123 52 90 265 12 73 1,932 173 401.34
National Bible Society of Scotland 1868 4 2 6 42
United Methodist Free Church. 1868 3 3 6 11 306 77 240.00
American Presbyterian, South. 1868 10 6 4 20 4 83 260 72.00
Irish Presbyterian 1869 3 3 6 25 5
Candian Presbyterian 1871 2 2 4 2 46 1,765 527 975.60
Society Propagation of the Gospel 1874 4 2 2 8
American Bible Society 1876 8 4 12 60
Established Church of Scotland. 1878 3 3 6 3 30 80
Berlin Missions 1882 4 4 1 9 3 21 500 70
General Protestant Evangelical Society 1884 1 1
Bible Christians 1885 4 1 5
Foreign Christian Missionary Society 1886 5 2 7 1 32
Book and Tract Society 1886 1 1 2
Society of Friends 1886 1 1 2
Independent Workers 4 1 3 8 30 42 4.00
Total December, 1887 489 320 231 1,040 175 1,316 32,260 13,777 38.236.70
Increase over 1886 4 4 74 121 35 20 4,260 198 19,862.14

With compliments of the compiler.

S. H. Gulick,
Editor Chinese Recorder