Mr. Bayard to Mr. Cox.
Washington, August 17, 1885.
Sir: I have to acknowledge the receipt of a dispatch, No. 516, of the 23d ultimo, from Mr. Emmet respecting the complaint of Mr. J. J. Arakelyan, a naturalized American citizen of Boston, Mass., and to say that I have apprised him of the purport of Mr. Emmet’s dispatch as well as of his No. 513, of the 21st ultimo, concerning Ottoman subjects who have obtained a foreign allegiance without permission of their sovereign. I have also advised Mr. Arakelyan that rather than that he should make the application for an iradé direct to the minister of Turkey here, provided it was his intention to comply with this Turkish requirement, if he would explain the situation fully to the Department, in addition to what was here known touching his naturalization, proper application would be made to that minister through this Department.
I am, &c.,