No. 659.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Cox.

No. 6.]

Sir: I have received Mr. Emmet’s No. 515, of the 23d ultimo, in regard to the complaint of Mr. E. Chryssofondis, of Baltimore, and have explained the situation of the case as therein reported, as well as in Mr. Emmet’s No. 513, of July 21 last, relative to the naturalization of Ottoman subjects, to the Hon. John V. L. Findlay, member of Congress from Maryland, who communicated Mr. Chryssofondis’s grievance to the Department. I have also stated to Mr. Findlay that instead of the petition for an iradé being made direct to the Turkish minister here, provided Mr. Chryssofondis desired to comply with the Turkish regulations in question, if he would cause the Department to be fully advised upon the subject, and furnished with proof of Mr. Chryssofondis’s naturalization, the necessary application would be made to that minister through this Department.

I am, &c.,