No. 583.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Valera.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt today of your note of the 26th instant, in which you inform me that the Spanish consul at New Orleans has intelligence of certain deposits of arms and munitions in the city of New Orleans, and on board of a vessel in the waters of that port, which are said to be intended for the equipment of a filibustering expedition against Cuba. In view of this you ask that the United States marshal at New Orleans be instructed, as on previous occasions, by the Attorney-General, to take action in the case, seconding the action of the collector of the port, who, as you say, is prepared to act under his standing orders.

I have hastened to transmit your note to the Attorney-General, with the request that the agents of his Department at New Orleans be instructed by telegraph that, so soon as the judicial mechanism necessary for the enforcement of the laws applicable to the case shall have been set in motion by due information made under oath by some person cognizant of the facts alleged, or possessing belief sufficient to that end, those officers shall lend all due aid to further the ends of justice.

1 have also transmitted a translation of your note to the Secretary of the Treasury, to the end that the co-operation of the revenue officers in the enforcement of the law may be assured.

Accept, &c.,