Mr. Patterson
to Mr. Brewster.
Sir: I have the honor to report that the
United States district court for this district commenced its regular
session here on the 16th ultimo, and on the 17th I brought to a
hearing the case of The United States versus
The Schooner Shavers, against which I had filed two “libels of
information” for forfeiture; one for forfeiture under the neutrality
laws, Section 5288 Revised Statutes, the other for proceeding on a
“foreign voyage” in violation of Section 4337 Revised Statutes; on
the 19th concluded the hearing, and on the 5th of July the district
judge (Locke) decreed the schooner forfeited to the United
On the second day of the term I also filed, by leave of court,
information (criminal) against Emilio Diaz and Patrick Berry, who
had previously been arrested on the return here of the schooner
Shavers, from Cuba, and had a hearing before the United States
commissioner, and Berry held under bond for trial, and Diaz
discharged. I found out that he was the one who prepared the means
of the Aguero expedition, hired the vessel, and managed the whole
I also had one Bruno Alphonzo arrested on the 17th ultimo, having
evidence of his having been one of the Aguero expedition, and had
returned to this place from Cuba disguised.
Patrick Berry having failed to appear, an alias
capias was issued, and judgment entered against his
bondsmen for $529.69, amount of bond and costs, and on the 5th
instant the amount was collected and paid into the registry of the
On the 1st instant Emilio Diaz was tried and convicted, and on the
5th was sentenced by the court to pay a fine of $500 and be
imprisoned for a period of eight months. On the 1st instant Clinton
Shavers, the owner of the schooner Shavers, was indicted, by the
grand jury for violating the neutrality laws, and arrested and
placed under bonds, and upon the case being called for trial it was
continued, on motion of the defendant’s attorney, by order of the
On the same day the grand jury indicted Carlos Aguero, the commander
of the expedition, and I had a capias issued
and placed it in the hands of the marshal, instructing him to hold
it and to arrest Aguero if he should return within this
Case of Bruno Alphonzo was continued, and he placed under bonds.
[Page 520]
The forfeiture of the schooner Shavers and the arrest of her owner,
and the conviction of Diaz, the manager of the Agüero expedition,
and the activity and vigilance of the officers here have thoroughly
convinced these people of the earnestness of the Government to
enforce its neutrality laws, and I feel fully satisfied that there
will be no further attempts in this district to organize expeditions
in the interest of the Cuban revolutionists, at least for some time
to come.
I am, &c.,
United States