No. 397.
Mr. Valera to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Washington, July 14, 1884. (Received July 15.)
Very Distinguished Sir: In reply to your note of this date, which I have just received, I hasten to inform you that if, in virtue of the report of Commander Batchellor, and of those furnished to you by the Federal authorities at Key West, relative to the quiet state of that locality, the United States Government thinks that the proper time has arrived for ordering the withdrawal of the steamer Galena, I, for my part, have no objections to make to that step, and confine myself to repeating to the Government of the Union my warmest thanks, in [Page 519] the name of my own Government, for all that it has hitherto done for the purpose of preventing adventurers from leaving these shores in order to commit outrages against the lives and property of the peaceful inhabitants of the island of Cuba.
I avail, &c.,