No. 573.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 283.]

Sir: I have the honor to transmit to the Department a copy and translation of the reply of his highness the minister of foreign affairs to my communication, dated August 21, 1883, containing demands against the Sublime Porte in the affair of Dr. Pflaum.

It appears the questions presented are now under reference to the minister of justice, from which I infer that the Porte appreciates the violation of Article IV of the treaty of 1830.

I am, &c.,

[Inclosure in No. 283.—Translation.]

Aarifi Pasha to Mr. Wallace.

Mr. Envoy: I had the honor to receive the note your excellency was good enough to write me on the 21st of last August, relative to the affair of Dr. Pflaum.

While examining anew some of the circumstances of this much-to-be-regretted incident, your excellency adds that you consider that the points upon which my above-mentioned note does not give an explicit answer are admitted and established as proven. Your excellency will excuse me if I do not concur in the opinion which you have been pleased to express on this subject. As stated in my above said note, the explanations which I transmitted to the United States legation were based on infor mation furnished the Sublime Porte by the authorities of the vilayet of Smyrna, and which, according to them, comprised all the circumstances of the case. Therefore the silence on the part of my department on the other points enumerated by your excellency, far from acknowledging their admissibility, gives, on the contrary, to understand that these points are the object of all our reserve.

Concerning the subject which forms the basis of the question, I have decided to submit the case to the appreciation of the imperial ministry of justice, and so soon as I shall have received an answer I will communicate it to your excellency.

Accept, &c.,