No. 572.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 275.]

Sir: Referring to dispatch to this legation No. 100, and dated July 10, 1883, relative to the attack upon Mr. Knapp and Dr. Reynolds by Koords near Bitlis, I have the honor to forward a copy of a note which it has given me great pleasure to address to Mr. Wyndham, Her Brir tannic Majesty’s chargé d’affaires in Constantinople, conveying to him the thanks of the Department of State for courteous assistance rendered. A copy of Mr. Wyndham’s reply is also inclosed.

Very respectfully, &c.,

[Inclosure 1 in No. 275.]

Mr. Wallace to Mr. Wyndham.

Sir: I beg to return the papers received from Messrs. Everett and Eyres relative to the American missionaries, Rev. Mr. Knapp and Dr. Reynolds, resident near Bitlis. They may prove of great service in the effort I am making to bring the men engaged in the robbery of those gentlemen to justice.

Permit me to add that my note would be very incomplete if I failed to avail myself of the opportunity to convey to you a message with which I have been intrusted by the honorable Secretary of State of the United States, Mr. Frelinghuysen. Information of the interest you so kindly manifested in the affair of the unfortunate American gentlemen just named, and of the orders you were pleased to send to Her Majesty’s consul at Erzroom in their behalf, having been communicated to the honorable Secretary, he instructed me to give-you the thanks of the Department of State for your courteous assistance in the matter; and I find great satisfaction in performing the very agreeable duty.

Very truly, &c.,

[Inclosure 2 in No. 275.]

Mr. Wyndham to Mr. Wallace.

Dear General Wallace: I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letters of the 12th instant, in which you are so good as to return to me Lieutenant-Colonel Everett’s and Mr. Eyres’ dispatches respecting the recent attack by Koords upon the Rev. Mr. Knapp and Dr. Reynolds, resident near Bitlis. In doing so I beg to express to you how very highly I appreciate the message you have conveyed to me at the request of Mr. Frelinghuysen, the honorable Secretary of State of the United States, and to assure you that it has afforded me sincere satisfaction to have been able to assist in discovering, through the efforts of Her Majesty’s consul at Erzroom and Her Majesty’s vice-consul at Van the perpetrators of the recent outrage upon the above-mentioned citizens of the United States.

I remain, &c.,