No. 567.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Constantinople, August 14, 1883. (Received September 3.)
Sir: It gives me great satisfaction to inform you, on the report of Mr. Garguilo, made this morning, that the council of ministers decided at their last meeting to appoint a commission to inquire into and settle the affair of Sami Bey, the petroleum concessionaire. I suppose notice will be given me of the fact. In that event I will appoint Consul-General Heap to represent the legation before the commission, under instructions:
- 1.
- To insist upon the status quo ante during the session of the commission and until the settlement becomes a finality.
- 2.
- To act in concert with the Russians, who will doubtless be similarly represented, unless our interests require independent action and redress.
- 3.
- To report progress and conclusions, committing himself to nothing without my direction.
From conversation with the Russian delegate appointed for the revision of the tariff, I have ascertained that his Government is willing to agree to pay storage dues not exceeding 60 paras the case. My own disposition is to do the same. The advance upon the old regime would be only 5 or at most 10 paras, and if the regulation is of equal application to our Russian competitors the charge would be unimportant. The dealer would, of course, make himself whole from the consumer.
I have, &c.,