No. 566.
Mr. Wallace to Mr. Frelinghuysen.

No. 264.]

Sir: Referring to your several dispatches relative to the business of the American Bible House in Constantinople, but more particularly to the seizures of its books by the imperial authorities, I beg to inform you that I persisted in the suggestion, heretofore reported to the Department, of the appointment of delegates representing the Sublime Porte, the Bible House and the legation, to consider a plan satisfactory to all the parties interested, for the prevention of such seizures in the future. It gives me pleasure to report that at a meeting yesterday Mr. Garguilo, acting for the legation, and Mr. Dwight, acting for the Bible-House, concluded such an arrangement with the minister of public instruction. The terms agreed upon will in due time reach me through his highness the minister of foreign affairs, and I will then transmit a copy to the Department. Should there be no changes in the arrangement while it is going through the Sublime Porte, I am decidedly of opinion that it will be very advantageous to the Bible House, and go far towards obviating the annoying interference to which its business has been so constantly subjected.

Very respectfully, &c.,