No. 38.
Mr. Logan
to Mr. Frelinghuysen.
Santiago, November 15, 1882. (Received December 27.)
Sir: My dispatch No. 23 incloses a newspaper reprint of the report of the minister of foreign relations, presented to the Chilian Congress on the 8th instant, with a translation of a portion thereof.
I now mail you with this dispatch the volume itself,* and trust that it may reach you safely. The report proper is brief, and already in your possession; but the annexes thereto are lengthy and important. It is quite impossible for me to find time to translate these documents for you, but I commend them to your attention. The circular of May 12 last, relative to the proposed American Congress, you may already be familiar with.
The paper of March 23 last, upon the subject of claims of neutrals, will be of interest to the Department; as also the projected truce with Bolivia, which the Chilians charge our minister, Adams, with having broken.
The convention between France and Chili, heretofore mentioned by me, agreeing to submit the claims of French citizens to a mixed commission, is given in full, and is commended to your notice.
A very important document is the report of ex-Minister Martinez, dated April 8 last, upon the relations of Chili with the United States; and the report of Señor A. Blest Garra, Chilian minister in France, will place you in possession of some interesting facts concerning the relations of Chili with that power.
I have, &c.,
- The report is too voluminous to be reprinted here.↩