No. 585.
Señor Mendez de Vigo to Mr. Evarts.

The undersigned, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Catholic Majesty, has the honor, in obedience to instructions received from his government, to transmit to the honorable Secretary of State of the United States a copy of a communication which he has just received from the minister of state, explaining the object and fixing the date of a conference which is to be held at Madrid in the month of May next, to the end that if the Government of the United States approves the proposition contained in the accompanying communication, it may be pleased so to inform the undersigned, and also to state whom it will be pleased, in that case, to appoint as its representative at that conference.

The undersigned avails himself, &c.

[Inclosure in Señor Mendez de Vigo’s note of April 26, 1880.]

The Minister of State to the Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty at Washington

Most Excellent Sir: Your excellency was duly informed of the steps taken by the representative of Her Britannic Majesty at this court, who had been properly [Page 931] authorized by his government, with a view to reaching an understanding with the other governments of Europe and America with regard to the right of protection exercised by foreign legations and consulates in the Empire of Morocco.

In its desire to strengthen the authority of the Sultan, which it considers daily more necessary to do, the London cabinet thought that nothing would so much conduce to the accomplishment of this purpose as would the settlement of this question: consequently, and in view of the ill success that had attended the conferences held at Tangier in relation to this matter by the diplomatic and consular officers accredited there, it proposed, through its representative, to the Duke of Tetuan, to inaugurate special negotiations for this purpose between the powers interested, adding that Madrid appeared to be the most suitable place for the meeting of the negotiators.

Being influenced by these considerations, the Government of the King, as your excellency is aware, did not hesitate to espouse the views of Her Britannic Majesty, with the object of endeavoring to have the question of protection and those intimately connected with it treated in a special manner, outside the territory of Morocco, stating at the same time that Spain would be very happy to receive at this court the commissioners who should be designated for this purpose by the various powers.

Since that time the minister of Her Britannic Majesty at this court, and the representatives of Spain in foreign countries have reported to the Government of the King that the proposition of the London cabinet has been favorably received by the powers to which they are accredited; the undersigned minister consequently thinks that the proper time has arrived for him directly to address the governments interested, that they may, if they think proper, designate persons to represent them at the proposed conference.

The foregoing is sufficient to enable the Government of the United States to understand the object and purview of the deliberations of said conference; still, I think it proper for me to state, in this dispatch, an important consideration which has been suggested to the Government of His Majesty by the desire that the result may be as advantageous as is hoped by all.

The negotiations hitherto carried on at Tangier having been unsuccessful, it seems proper that none of the representatives now residing in Morocco should be present at the new conference. On this subject the London cabinet is perfectly in accord with His Majesty’s Government. What is now needed is, in the opinion of both governments, that the persons charged with the settlement of these questions should be free from all prejudices derived from their individual impressions, with a view to the more ready obtainment of results favorable to the common interest, and in accordance with the spirit and letter of the treaties existing between the Emperor of Morocco and the Christian powers.

His Majesty’s Government has also considered, as was natural, the best time for holding the conference, and considering the season and the general utility that would result from the speedy adoption of the desired arrangement, it proposes that the meeting take place on the 15th day of May next.

By royal order I inform your excellency for the purposes aforesaid. May God guard your excellency many years.