No. 90.
Mr. Schlözer to Mr. Fish.
Washington, June 29, 1876.
(Received June 29.)
Sir: The Emperor of Germany has directed to His
Excellency the President a letter of congratulation for the 4th of July, and
I have been requested by His Majesty to transmit this letter personally on
the 4th of July.
I therefore take the liberty to beg you, respectfully, to inform me whether
the President will accord me the honor to receive me that day for the
purpose which I have indicated.
Accept, &c.,
[Page 173]
The Emperor William
to the President.
William, by grace of God Emperor of Germany, King of
Prussia, &c., to the President of the United States of America:
Great and Good Friend: It has been vouchsafed
to you to celebrate the Centennial festival of the day upon which the
great republic over which you preside entered the rank of independent
nations. The purposes of its founders have, by a wise application of the
teachings of the history of the foundation of nations and with insight
into the distant future, been realized by a development without a
parallel. To congratulate you and the American people upon the occasion
affords me so much the greater pleasure, because, since the treaty of
friendship which my ancestor, of glorious memory, King Frederic II, who
now rests with God, concluded with the United States, undisturbed
friendship has continually existed between Germany and America, and has
been developed and strengthened by the ever-increasing importance of
their mutual relations, and by an intercourse becoming more and more
fruitful in every domain of commerce and science. That the welfare of
the United States and the friendship of the two countries may continue
to increase, is my sincere desire and confident hope.
Accept the renewed assurance of my unqualified esteem.
Berlin, June 9,